Thursday 18 September 2014

Introduction-Raw Text

Any Music Lovers?
Question of the week: Is Piracy destroying the music industry?
70 per cent of online users think that there is nothing wrong with music downloading or file sharing. What do you think? 
Music downloading/file sharing has been around for a while now and nothing has been put in place to prevent these downloads or file sharing from occurring over the internet, However 63 per cent of music downloaders admit it because of the fact it is illegal. Should they feel guilty? 
Many people agree with music downloads or file sharing over the internet because they believe that they are receiving the best songs out of downloading rather than buying the whole album/CD to play two or three songs that they want to hear. Online downloading is a quick and easy procedure so why not use sites like YouTube Music converter or MP3 Converter to download the songs you want. However, others may disagree with this because they believe with this because it is breaking the law and there are no legitimate sources for these downloads. They could create viruses on the computer and also affect the artist which is not ideal for the industry.
Some artists such as Shakira support the idea of music download or file sharing. She Said: It brings her closer to her fans and to the people that appreciate her music. This implies that Shakira doesnt really care about the money when she makes songs, she cares about the love people have for her music. Which makes her happy. Music is a gift thats why it should be a GIFT Shakira Said.
Nelly Furtado also accepts online downloading. She is happy if people hear her music as people who dont have a lot of money can listen and access new things. If a well-known, developed artist can accept online downloading why cant others?
However, some artists disagree with online downloading. For example Lily Allen, She believes that Music piracy is having a dangerous effect on British music which is destroying the music industry.

To conclude I think that music piracy is not destroying the music industry because downloads increases the artist's popularity and promotes a wider target audience as it is free and more people are able to access it. People have the freedom to know new songs. If downloading music online was such a big issue more things should have been in place to reduce or stop the access of downloading music illegally or Artists could copy right their songs to prevent illegal downloading. I understand other peoples views on this but, Music downloading/File Sharing are socially accepted by people just like recreational drugs. People Enjoy what they are doing, Right?

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