Monday 10 November 2014

Proposal Presentation Evaluation

My proposal presentation went really well, the whole class was engaged and they all contributed to the questions related to help me design my magazine. As they was the target audience for my magazine they helped me decide on things like the font that would compliment the magazine colour scheme and the masthead, the title of the magazine, the colour scheme for the magazine and general pictures/camera angles that could be used in my magazine. I also asked them who they would like to see in a magazine so that it is targeted to their age and why this would stand out to them. This allowed me decide on what to include contents page and the double page spread. Asking questions to my class allowed me to keep up to date with new artists and the younger generation. I done further research to find out how much i should sell my magazine for, i asked many people around the college and came to a conclusion of £2.50.